“Mum, remember to record the match!”

Hello, my dear students

As we saw the other day in class, the word “remember” and “record” can cause us, Spanish speakers, some problems. The word “record” can be considered a false friend, a word or expression that has a similar form to one in a person’s native language, but a different meaning (“library” is a great example of false friend). Thus, “record” is a verb (and “recording” the noun) whose definition is “to set down in writing or the like, such as for the purpose of preserving evidence”.

The differences between “remember” and “remind” must be also kept in mind. By definition, if we “remember” someone or something, we keep that person or thing in our mind or we bring that person or thing back to our mind.

For example: “I will always remember you. You have helped me a lot!”

On the other hand, if a person or thing “reminds” you of someone or something, they make you think of that person or thing, or they resemble that person or thing.

For example: “That song always reminds me of the time I fell in love with an Italian girl”

Over and out.