Resources! (19/20)

Hi there!

I’ll use this post to share the links to download the resources I’m going to hand in during our lessons. If the links are not working, please let me know ASAP (“as soon as possible”) so I can upload them again!

Instructions to download the files:

  1. Click on the link you want to download
  2. Click on “download this file” (grey box)
  3. Enter the characters and click on “download now”
  4. Save the file into your computer
  5. Study!
  • Irregular verbs (1º / 2º / 3º ESO)

  • Irregular verbs (6º EPO)

  • PET Glossary (1º / 2º / 3º ESO)

  • Reading book (6º EPO)

  • Reading book (1º ESO)

Over and out.


Prezis! (19/20)

Hello, my dear students

I’ll use this post to share all the Prezis I create throughout this academic year, so you can take a look at them whenever you want. I hope you find them useful!


6º EPO

KET exam (2020) >

1º ESO

PET exam (2020) >

2º ESO

New PET vs old PET >

3º ESO

New PET vs old PET >


Over and out.


Using “Quizlet” to get extra points! (19/20)

Hello, my dear students!

Welcome to our new academic year! Little by little, as weeks pass by, you will all feel more and more engaged and confident. In this post I’ll talk about something that I introduced during our first lessons; using Quizlet (and this blog) to get extra points!

Quizlet is a webpage where teachers can upload different activities that students can use in their free time to review what they have learned in the classroom.

Then, how does it work? It’s actually very simple! I’ll post the first activities of our first unit soon. How can you do them? First of all, you need to join the virtual classroom! How do you do that? Following this link from your computer to register!

If you have any problems joining the classroom, please let me know as soon as possible! Please keep in mind that you need to register using your name and surname!

Once you’re in the classroom, you will have access to all the activities I post, and then you can choose different ways of practising them! Your score will be recorded along with your name, so I can check if you have been practising hard!

Now, why should you use Quizlet? First of all, it’s a great way of getting some extra practice and, secondly, it’ll help you get some extra points at the end of the term (if you use it with the blog as well!).

Now, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask! (both in the classroom or here in the blog).

Over and out.

English books (19/20)

Hi there!

As requested, these are the “ISBN” of all the books you’ll be using during our new academic year, so you can check them if any doubt arises.

6º EPO

Macmillan > New High Five! Level 6 (Pupil’s Book): 978-1-380-01391-0

Macmillan > New High Five! Level 6 (Activity Book): 978-1-380-01388-0

Cambridge > A2 Key for Schools Trainer (2nd edition): 978-1-108-52581-7

1º ESO

Macmillan > Optimise (Student’s Book): 978-1-380-03208-9

Macmillan > Optimise (Practice Test): 978-1-380-03378-9

Macmillan > Optimise (Workbook): 978-1-380-03377-2

Cambridge > B1 Preliminary for Schools Trainer (2nd edition): 978-1-108-52887-0

2º ESO

Cambridge > Complete Preliminary for Schools (Student’s Book): 978-8-490-36561-8

Cambridge > Complete Preliminary for Schools (Workbook): 978-8-490-36012-5

Pearson > Preliminary for Schools Practice Tests Plus: 978-1-292-28216-9

3º ESO

Pearson > Gold B1 Preliminary (Coursebook): 978-1-292-20237-2

Pearson > Gold B1 Preliminary (Exam Maximiser): 978-1-292-20235-9


Over and out.


Hi there!

As you already know, I’m going to use ClassDojo to assess some of your features this year; your behaviour, attitude, involvement… A lot of things, so you better try getting as many “positivos” as you can!

Apart from the obvious reward of getting a better mark at the end of your term, this year I’ll introduce some DojoRewards in 6º EPO and 1º ESO! Thus, depending on the number of “positivos” that you have, you can receive some benefits. Remember, though, that you’ll be exchanging your “positivos” to get these benefits!

These are the DojoRewards that you can get:

  • 10: you can show your homework even if you haven’t been asked to
  • 20: you get one extra day to complete and show your homework
  • 30: you get one extra day to hand in your notebook or the 1st writing
  • 40: you can ask for my help with one activity of any mid-term exam
  • 50: skip one activity of any mid-term exam, whichever you want!
  • 60: you can use your notebook for 5 minutes during the mid-term exam
  • 70: you can use your notebook for 10 minutes during the mid-term exam
  • 80: you can use your notebook for 15 minutes during the mid-term exam
  • 90: you can use your notebook for 20 minutes during the mid-term exam
  • 100: you can repeat one of the mid-term exams (keep in mind that the mid-term exam won’t be exactly the same!) or the first writing of every term

These rewards are a “work in progress”, so some things might change during the year, but I’ll always let you know first. So, work hard and receive your DojoRewards! They’ll certainly make things easier for you.

Over and out.