Reading #1, “Gladiator”

Hello, my dear students

“Gladiator” has been the first reading of the term. I’m sure you all knew the movie and probably didn’t know about the book, but still it has been a great opportunity to practise your reading skills.

We have only read a few pages, but these are some questions that you could ask yourselves to check if you have fully understood what you have read. Let’s roll!

Where is Maximus from? Where is he in chapter 1? Why is he there?

Why are Commodus and Lucilla in a carriage? Where are they heading?

What are Commodus’ highest aspirations? and Maximus’?

Where is the Emperor of Rome, Marcus Aurelius, during the chapter?

Do you think the book is based on a true story?

Feel free to leave a reply below with your opinions about this chapter.

Over and out.