“May”? Or is it “might”?

Hello, my dear students

We’ve had some problems in class with the differences between “may” and “might” (both modal verbs). So, why don’t you take a look at the next video and picture? Maybe you’ll understand everything better afterwards!

Over and out.

2 thoughts on ““May”? Or is it “might”?

  1. Hi MR Gonzalo
    Thank for the video that explain migh and may please give the exam and tomorrow you will explain this modal verbs.
    BE CAREFUL with my class because in music class are boys that are not atend and make joke nothing else.

    See you later


    1. Hi Antonio!

      You’ll receive your exams soon enough, no worries. Remember that we need to take the listening exam on Monday. Until then, I won’t have your final mark, so you’ll need to wait. Anyway, I’m sure you’ll do great in the subject, you’re a good students.

      Over and out.

      P.S: Thanks for the heads-up! I’m sure everyone will enjoy the music lessons, you’ll see 😉


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